3E has implemented an enhanced process to validate the supplier contacts who are able to access 3E’s Supplier Portal. Request links sent prior to April 28th will continue to be accessible and not require additional authentication for next 30 days. Please contact 3E with any questions via 3ESC@3eco.com.
Instructions Hide ShowStep 1 - In the Form Info section on the left, click the Product Information and Contact Information links to confirm the values are correct. This information will be automatically copied to all request forms. Step 2 - In the Requests section, click each request to view and complete the form. Click the Save Draft button to save and return later, or the Submit Now button to submit. Once submitted the system will perform a check of the data and provide a list of any missing or inconsistent data points. To update a response click Edit. Once the form is ready for submission click Confirm. Note: Completed requests are marked with a green check mark and can be revised and resubmitted by selecting the request name and clicking Edit. For additional guidance on how to respond to requests please visit our Supplier Resource Center. To make changes contact 3E using the contact information at the bottom of this form. Request Information Show Hide
Product Name: POTTING TRAY
Part Number: L15200-6, L15200-5, M23062-1, M24151-2, L16376, L15200-8, L15200-7, L15200-9, L15200-4, L15200-3, M23321,L16376, MP# L16376 , LE# L16376, IR#150799 |